Economic Geology (Economic Mineral Deposits) by Umeshwar Prasad
It provides a good knowledge about the various minerals and their deposits across India. Very use full for a specific subject like Indian mineral deposits and mineral economics. UPSC and state psc exam like geologist and hydrogeologist.
This book is really a need for the aspirants of IIT Jam and many other geology M.Sc entrance tests. A sufficient source of economic geology for UG and PG courses. It covers all the information regarding all Indian deposits and the processes. To give us such a beautiful book with a good description.
The graduates who are preparing for the jam and theory it is the best book. Language is quite simple and you can read and understand very easily.
Download the book by click the button below.
- Essential Factors in Mineral Depositor and Ore-Genesis
- Process of Formation of Mineral Deposits
- Mineral Paragenesis and Zoning.
- Classification of Mineral Deposits
- Metallic Mineral Deposits
- Non-Metallic Minerals
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