Hello geo-aspirants for assistant Geologist/hydrogeologist, before you face an examination have a look to previous year question paper by which you can prepare your mind for that. so practice or have a look before you appear the examination. click below for the question paper with answer.
70 vaccancy for the post of hydrogeologist 2023 will happen on 02 April 2023 along with four more equivalent post of geologist. click on get details button for more in formation and question paper of 50 Assistant hydro-geologist question with answer

so this here we publish 2018 & 2016 assistant geologist exam by UPSC government of India. this question contain 100 Objective geology question with official answer. So download the assistant geologist exam 2018 question paper with answer. Assistant geologist 2016 exam was also conducted online but it contained 120 objective question of geology.
We marked answer on the question paper for quick review. if you want question and answer separately please contact us any where. If you find any error please comment here or any other social media platform. Anytime feel free to contact us.
click above or below button to download.
above are the video of quick review of 2018 assistant geologist exam question. and some are explained with diagram. so have a watch to the videos.
If you are interested to write article on Geology please contact us.
Thank you.
Team geoshare.
Sir can you upload CSIR NET EARTH SCIENCE BOOK BY R GUPTA in pdf format.