Rock Forming Minerals & Their Diagnostic Properties

Rock-forming minerals are the essential minerals that make up most of Earth’s rocks. These minerals are found in igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks and are mainly composed of elements like silicon (Si), oxygen (O), aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), potassium (K), and magnesium (Mg).

Table of Rock forming Minerals

Sl NoName Of MineralCompositionHardnessColourLustreCleavage, FractureForm, Distinctive Feature
1ActinoliteHydrous silicate of Ca, Mg, Fe5-6GreenVitreous2 Perfect At 56° And 124°Fibrous (Asbestos), Long Prismatic Crystals, Radiating Aggregates
2AgateMicrocrystalline silica6.5Different Coloured BandVitreousConchoidal FractureBanded Structure
3AndalusiteAl₂SiO₅7.5Grey, Pink, RedVitreousPoorColumnar Crystals, Granular
4ApatiteCa₅F(PO₄)₃5Greenish, Bluish, Reddish, YellowVitreousPoorHexagonal Crystals, Massive
6AugiteCa, Mg, Fe, Al, silicate5-6Black, Dark GreenVitreous2 Good At 90°Short Prismatic Crystals, Square, Rectangular or Octagonal Prisms
7BerylBe₃Al₂(SiO₃)₆7.5-8White, Yellow, Greenish or Bluish GreenVitreousPoorHexagonal Crystals, Massive
8BiotiteSilicate of K, Mg, Fe, Al with H₂O2.5-3Black, Dark BrownSubmetallic PearyPerfect BasalFoliated Masses, Scaly Aggregates. Thin Elastic Laminae
9CalciteCaCO₃3Colourless Or White, Also with Grey, Yellow or Red TintsVitreous3 Perfect at Oblique Angles, Yields Rhombohedral PiecesCoarsely To Finely Crystalline, Good Crystals Common. Vigorous Bubbling Beneath a Drop of Dilute HCL
10ChalcedonyMicrocrystalline SiO₂6.5White, Frey, Blue, Brown, BlackWaxy, GreasyConchoidal FractureBotryoidal, Stalactitic. Occurs In Veins or Banded Aggregate
11ChertMicrocrystalline SiO₂6.5Black, GreyGreasy-Bands, Irregular Nodules
12ChloriteComplex silicate of Fe, Mg, Al with H₂O2-2.5Green, BlackResinous, PearlyPerfectFoliated Masses, Scales, Drains, Greasy Feel
13CorundumAl₂O₃9Brown, Pink, Blue, Gem Varieties: Ruby. SapphireVitreousUneven FractureRounded, Barrel Shaped Crystals, Often As Granular Masses (emry)
14DolomiteCaMg(CO₃)₂3.5-4Colourless, White, Variously Coloured by ImpuritiesVitreous, Dull3 PerfectRhombohedral Crystals, Granular, Massive, Less Vigorous effer-Vescence in Cold HCL
15FlintMicrocrystalline SiO₂7Black Shades of GreyGreasy, Waxy-Bands, Irregular Nodules
16FluoriteCaF₂4Colourless, Purple, Violet, Blue, Green, YellowVitreousPerfect OctahedralOctahedrons, Cubes, Also Granular
17GarnetCa, Mg, Fe, Al silicate7.5Red, BrownResinous, VitreousConchoidal FractureIsometric Crystal or Rounded, Specific Gravity 3.6-4.3
18GypsumCaSO₄·2H₂O2Colourless, White, Also Grey, Yellowish or RedPearly SilkyPerfectGranular, Earthy, Tabular Crystals, Fibrous
19HornblendeComplex silicate of Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, Al with (OH) ions5-6Black, Greenish BlackVitreous2 Good At 56° And 124°Long Crystals Usually 6- Sided. Also, In Granular Masses
20JasperMicrocrystalline SiO₂7Red, Yellow, Brown, GreenGreasy-Massive
21KaoliniteHydrous silicate of Al1-2White, Grey, YellowishEarthy, DullUneven FractureMassive, Greasy Feel and Argillaceous Smell
22KyaniteAl₂SiO₅5 Length Wise & 7 Across CrystalsWhite, Pale, Blue, Grey, GreenVitreous, Pearly1 PerfectLong Bladed Habit
23MicroclineKAlSi₃O₈6Green, Bluish Green, Pink, GreyPearly, Vitreous2 At Right AnglesMassive, Prismatic Crystals, Striations on Basal Pinacoid Due to Twinning
24MuscoviteHydrous silicate of Al and K2-3Transparent WhitePearlyPerfect BasalFoliated, Thin Flexible Elastic Laminae
25OpalAmorphous silica SiO₂·nH₂O5.5-6.5White, Grey, Yellow, RedGreasyMassive, Shows Play of Colour
26OrthoclaseKAlSi₃O₈6White, Red GreyVitreous Pearly2 Perfect at Right AnglesPrismatic Crystals, Tabular, Massive
27Olivine(Mg,Fe)₂SiO₄6.5-7Olive-Green, BrownVitreousConchoidal FractureGranular Mass
28Plagioclase(Soda-lime feldspars) Na, Ca, Al silicate6White To GreyVitreous2 Perfect at Right AnglesTabular, Fine Parallel Striations on Perfect Cleavage
29QuartzSiO₂7Purple (Amethyst), Dark-Grey (Smokey Quartz), Colourless (Rock Crystal), Pink (Rose Quartz)VitreousConchoidal Fracture6 Sided Prismatic Crystals, Also Granular and Massive
30SerpentineMg₆Si₄O₁₀(OH)₈4-6Green, Yellow, BrownWaxy, Greasy, SilkySplintery FratureFibrous Or Platy Masses
31SilimaniteAl₂SiO₅6-7Grey, White, BrownResinousPoorLong Needle-Shaped Crystals, Felted Masses
32StauroliteHydrous silicate of Al and Fe7Brwon, Brwonish Black, YellowResinousPoorShort Prismatic Crystals, Some Cross Shaped
33TalcMg₃Si₄O₁₀(OH)₂1White, Pale-GreenPearly, Greasy1 PerfectFoliated, Massive, Soapy Feel
34Topaz(AlF)₂SiO₄8Colourless, Yellow, Bluish, GreenishVitreous1 GoodPrismatic Crystals, Granular, Massive
35TourmalineComplex boro-silicate of Al, with Na, Fe, Mg, Ca and K7.5Black, Blue, GreenVitreous-Crystal, Hexagonal, Or Triangular in Cross-section
36TremoliteHydrous silicate of Ca, Mg5-6White, GreyVitreous2 PerfectRadiating Fibrous Crystals

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